FireflySci’s Top 10 Reasons Why You Need a Cuvette Rack
/Hi everyone, Simcha Woitovich here with some important information that will save you tons of headaches. I have two words: cuvette rack. Get yourself one now! So it’s only fair if I explain why I feel that you need a cuvette rack so strongly. I’ve made a list of the top 10 reasons why you need a cuvette rack.
Here’s the deal:
1. A Cuvette Rack Gives Added stability
What do you think is more stable: having your 10 mm cuvette sitting on your lab bench being supported by its 12.5 mm square base; or having your 10 mm cuvette in a sturdy 5.5 inch x 2.5 inch cuvette rack?
The extra stability is the biggest reason to invest in a cuvette rack.
2. Good for drying cuvettes
Another thing that I love about cuvette racks is that when I’m finished cleaning my cells, I just flip them over and let them dry in the cuvette rack. This is also a great way of letting everyone in your lab know when cells are cleaned and ready to be used because they will see the upside down cells and know they are ready to go.
3. Easy to fill cuvettes
Oh no!!!
The additional stability you get from using a cuvette rack is priceless. Picture this- you’re filling your 10 mm cuvette without a rack and you hit the top of the cuvette, knocking it over. You end up spilling your sample plus it is very possible that your cuvette will shatter. I’m speaking from personal experience on this one =).
It gets better:
4. Won’t scratch your cuvette
All cuvette racks are made out of soft polypropylene plastics which is great because this material will not scratch your cuvettes. Only the corners and bottom of the cuvette come in contact with the cuvette rack so the optical faces are protected.
If a spill does occur on a cell rack, the polypropylene material is really easy to clean.
5. Low price
You just dropped $158 on a brand new quartz screw cap cell so why not invest in a $26 cuvette rack to protect your investment? This is a pretty good bang for the buck as you get enhanced protection for 12 cuvettes.
6. Keeps the cuvettes off the lab bench
Keeping your cuvettes off the lab bench will help protect them against contamination. We mentioned this in #1 regarding stability. You don’t want someone to bump into the cuvette and knock it over. This eliminates that possibility.
7. Autoclavable
An autoclave is a pressure chamber that is used to sterilize equipment. We all know how important it is to make sure your cuvettes are squeaky clean. The cell rack is safe to use in a steam autoclave at 121ºC (249ºF).
8. Good for easy viewing and organizing cuvettes
The FireflySci cuvette rack can hold 12 cuvettes. They are laid out in 2 rows of 6 cells each so it is easy to view 6 cuvettes at a time.
In addition, you can write on the cell rack with a dry-erase marker to easily label your cuvettes. When you’re done just take a dry-erase board eraser or damp paper towel and remove the marker.
9. Easy to move multiple cuvettes at one time
When working with more than one cuvette it can be tricky when you have to transport the cuvettes to a different lab. It’s easy to put all your cuvettes in the cell rack for easy transportation.
10. Fun baby toy
The picture says it all. Of course we are kidding with this one, we do not recommend giving a cuvette rack to a baby to play with.
Hope you enjoyed this list. If you have any other ideas on why cuvette racks are great, let us know in the comments below.
Here’s to your success!
Simcha Woitovich